The Great Mosque of Djenné, in Mali. The first mosque on the site was built around the 13th century
Price: Free
Uncover the stories of West Africa’s golden empires: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai, in this online history course run by Newham Mosaic, one of our Unexpected Partnerships commissions. In this session, you will learn about the prosperous cities of Kanem-Bornu and the influential Hausa States, where trade and scholarship flourished.
Embark on an enlightening six-session online course that takes you on a profound journey through Africa’s rich history, from its ancient civilizations to the dynamic continent it is today. Each session is designed to illuminate the diverse cultures, kingdoms, and events that have shaped Africa over millennia.
There are five remaining workshops in this series:
Friday 8 March: Kingdoms of Wealth and Wisdom
Friday 15 March: Empires of Gold and Learning
Friday 22 March: Crossroads of Culture
Friday 5 April: Turmoil and Transformation
Friday 12 April: New Beginnings and Modern Challenges
Why Join?
Gain comprehensive insights from an expert tutor passionate about African history.
Engage with interactive content designed to make history come alive.
Connect with a wide community of learners.
Earn a certificate of completion and become part of the Newham Mosaic learning community.
Learn more about Newham Mosaic on their dedicated project page.
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