Current events

Summer of Wellbeing: Self-Care Day Retreats. Part 3: Healing (Sold Out)
Mini wellness retreats for adults living in Newham. Full day experience focusing on wellbeing, connection and creativity.

Summer of Wellbeing: Self-Care Day Retreats. Part 2: Self-Love (Sold Out)
Mini wellness retreats for adults living in Newham. Full day experience focusing on wellbeing, connection and creativity.

Summer of Wellbeing: Self-Care Day Retreats. Part 1: Happiness
Mini wellness retreats for adults living in Newham. Full day experience focusing on wellbeing, connection and creativity.

Urban Gardening Party
Newham residents of all ages are invited to get their hands dirty and try out new creative gardening skills. This session is a celebration bringing together the spring season workshops.

Urban Gardening Club
Newham residents of all ages are invited to get their hands dirty and try out new creative gardening skills. This week is about making wildflower seed pots.

Urban Gardening Club
Newham residents of all ages are invited to get their hands dirty and try out new creative gardening skills. This week is about making natural paint brushes.

Urban Gardening Club
Newham residents of all ages are invited to get their hands dirty and try out new creative gardening skills. This week is about making bug hotels.

Urban Gardening Club
The Urban Gardening Club happens at St Luke’s community centre most Saturdays in spring, and invites Newham residents of all ages to get their hands dirty and try out new creative gardening skills. This week is about making windowsill propagators.
Colours of Newham: Creative Collaging Workshop
Collage created by local community artist
Join artist Lottie McCarthy for our workshop at Applecart Arts to make a photo-collage that shouts Newham!
We are collecting photos of Newham taken by people in our borough to make a collaborative collage full of colours that celebrate and represent Newham, its character, energy, and uniqueness.
This collage will be the first of many artworks made as part of Culture Within Newham, a new borough-wide programme that aims to release the creative potential in Newham and every Newham resident. This community-led programme starts now; with you sharing your Newham. What does our borough look like through your eyes? What do you see that the rest of us walk past? What makes you smile or feel at home? What colour and creativity do you see?
We are holding a creative workshop on 18th March as the final stage of our collection process. Before then, Newham locals can send us their photos featuring colours that they feel are iconic for Newham. Photos can be submitted through this form or via Instagram, Twitter and Facebook by using the hashtag #coloursofnewham.
The photography and collage-making workshop on the 18th of March will use all the photos submitted, as well as photos taken by you during a walk through the neighbourhood, to make a collective Newham collage and to help us decide on an iconic colour palette for Newham. The workshop runs from 2-5pm at Applecart Arts and is led by local artist Lottie McCarthy.
If you'd like to join and be part of making the collage, make sure to book your free ticket now. All ages are welcome. The collage will be exhibited, and will also be used to inform the look, feel, and direction of the "World on our Doorstep" programme.
You have until the 16th of March to submit your photos!